Getting Started
A beginners guide to living in our HOA
We are so excited that you made the decision to move into this community! If you haven’t yet, what’s holding you up? Saratoga Springs is a wonderful city, we get to enjoy beautiful vista views, and it’s people and families, like you, that makes this such a wonderful place to live, so hurry up and move in already!
For those that do already live here, this page contains a good overview of what you, as the homeowner, are responsible for taking care of while living in this planned community, a.k.a. Homeowners Association or HOA.
And here’s the disclaimer that everybody was waiting for:
Items and information provided on this website is for the sole purpose of helping summarize primary responsibilities of the homeowners and the Homeowners Association and is in no way a replacement of the official Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and any other HOA governing documents (which documents can be found within the documents section after logging into the online portal provided to homeowners). Please refer to those official documents for any official rules and regulations.
First Things First
Proper Account Setup
As soon as you close on your house, you will want to make sure your account is properly setup with the HOA Management Company (Advanced Community Services or ACS). Refer to the “Our Association” page of this website on how to get a hold of them.
STEP 1: Register for the homeowners online portal by clicking on the “Member Login” button and then selecting “Need to register?” and submitting your information. You will receive login instructions to the email you provided within 48 hours.
STEP 2: You have the option to contact the management company by posting an action item to request to opt out of paper statements (saves you $2/month!).
STEP 3: There are several ways to make recurring payments. (Cottages homeowners should contact their manager at PMI for payment instructions.) Once you are logged into the Members portion of the website, choose the Payments tab. At the top of the page is an ACH Setup tab. Choose that link and complete the form. There is no charge for this auto debit through the management company. Alternatively you may choose the Submit button which takes you to your personal Zego account. There is a charge for this option. You may make one-time payments or choose the Recurring Payment tab to set up auto payments and credit cards are accepted. Owners are always welcome to set up their auto payments directly from their online banking. Your account number is available on the Payments page.
STEP 4: Become familiar with the overview of homeowner responsibilities below (and the governing documents that were provided to you when you closed on your home or by logging into the member online portal).
STEP 5: Become active in the community by exploring our wonderful trails and parks, getting out to get to know your neighbors, and attending various community events throughout the year.
New Landscape Application:
If you do not have a landscape application on file yet, please fill out the entire application and include your plans, materials, and time schedule for completing your yards so that the ARC Manager can review and provide accurate feedback and approval.
Existing Landscape Application:
If there is already a Landscape Application on file, any landscape changes you make will be via the Variance Request form.
Front Yards:
Has a 1-year requirement (from date of occupancy) for it to be landscaped with a minimum of 2 trees and 3 shrubs planted.
Back Yards:
Has a 2-year requirement (from date of occupancy) for it to be landscaped.
Please contact the HOA Board if there are extenuating circumstances to find out various options and how to coordinate with the city code enforcement.
No white, chain link or cinder block fences are allowed.
To submit your fence plans for review, fill out the Variance Request form and include your plan, color, and materials when you email it to arc@villageshoa.org.
View the fencing requirements before submitting your Variance Request:
Side Driveways/Pads
Driveways must be concrete. Gravel or other material is not allowed. Please review the Parking Pad document for approved layouts before submitting your Variance Request form to arc@villageshoa.org.
Sheds & Other Structures
No carports are allowed.
Sheds are allowed in back or side yards as long as they follow the Shed Guidelines and have been approved by the ARC. Please submit your plans, materials, and colors to arc@villageshoa.org.
Other structures such as dog kennels, chicken coops, etc. must be reviewed by the ARC for approval. Please contact arc@villageshoa.org with questions.
Decks and Solar Panels
Even though Decks and Solar Panels are approved at the city level, you still need to submit a variance request along with plans showing placement for the ARC to review.
Decks cannot encroach city setback requirements.
Solar is currently allowed to be installed on any roof face (back, side, or front).
Other Home Exterior Changes
Any material or color changes to the exterior of the house such as the walls, shutters, garage door, roof, etc. MUST have approval from the ARC. Please submit the variance request form along with your plans, materials, and/or color choices.
Changing the color of the front door does not need approval.
New Residents
The Villages at Saratoga Springs is a wonderful place to live, and we hope you enjoy it just as much as we do!
The first thing we recommend that you do is register for an account on the community website! This is the official method of communication for the HOA and it is the most effective way for us to manage homeowner requests and questions. Go to Help.VillagesHOA.org and click the “Need to register?” link to get started. Here you can find past newsletters for the HOA, important documents such as financials, meeting minutes and governing policies for the community.
**Please note that after registering there is a short validation process wherein we ensure you are a homeowner before giving you full access to the community’s records.
If we do not have an email address on file for you, we will send you a paper statement and add a $2 paper and postage reimbursement charge to your monthly invoice. If you would like to be added to the email list, simply register on the community website with the email address you’d like us to send statements to. Our system will pull your email address and begin sending your monthly statements to the email address you provide.
If you would like to opt out of this email service, please post an “Action Item” to the community website letting us know that you’d prefer to receive paper statements.
The $35 per month covers grounds maintenance of the common areas (this includes landscaping and snow removal at the parks and neighborhood walkways), repairs and maintenance costs for the HOA’s facilities equipment and neighborhood parks, future improvements to the parks, and administrative costs such as insurance, accounting, management, and various community events.
Each HOA community has a set of documents and policies that govern the HOA. By purchasing a home in the community, you are legally bound to abide by these documents and the policies they set forth. Part of these documents outlines enforcement policies and guidelines that each lot owner must follow.
The most common policies that we normally see broken are:
1) trailers must be parked behind the front corner of the home AND must be screened by a fence so it is not visible from the street, and
2) unkempt yards (this could be overgrown grass, excessive weeds, or dead lawns).
The overall goal with enforcement is to keep the appearance of the community well maintained which helps maintain high property values and increases saleability.
This is to protect you, the new homeowner. If for some reason there is an outstanding balance on the lot you are purchasing, and it is not paid through closing, you will become responsible for the amount owed after your purchase.
For this reason, it is important that a “Payoff Statement” be requested through www.HomeWiseDocs.com to ensure that the home’s title is clear of any encumbrances before the purchase is final.
To finalize your account setup, you’ll want to register for an account on the community website at Help.VillagesHOA.org. This will allow you to stay up to date with any important community news, updates, view the community calendar, documents, make HOA payments, and much more!
**Please note that after registering there is a short validation process wherein we ensure you are a homeowner before giving you full access to the community’s records.
**Please note that after registering there is a short validation process wherein we ensure you are a homeowner before giving you full access to the community’s records.
Once you are logged in, simply navigate to the Payments tab. This page will show your account balance and any invoices outstanding.
In order to make a payment, simply enter your account number or property address, the dollar amount you wish to pay, and click “Submit”. This will take you to our payment processor’s website which will securely take your payment and apply it to your HOA account.
**Please note that there is an additional charge using this payment method and payments may take up to 3-5 business days to reflect on the Payments tab of the website.
Documents can also be accessed within your account by navigating to the Documents tab. This can only take place once you have been verified as a homeowner. The verification process can take up to 2 business days after registering for a new account.
If you have any issues or questions, please contact our customer service representative at 801-641-1844.
If your yards do not have any landscaping yet, more than likely you do not have a landscape plan on file and will need to complete one along with a drawn plan that shows where and what type of trees along with any other materials. It is recommended to submit both the front and back yards in one application. You can always amend your plan by submitting Variance Request forms.
A Variance Request form is used when you are amending your plan at any time in the future with changes or additions.
To allow for more time to the new residents, the HOA Board had adopted to match the HOA yard due dates to be the same as the city’s (the HOA documents originally had it as 90-days as the deadline).
When the HOA was created by the original developers (before any residents lived in this neighborhood), they established the rules of the HOA. In the landscaping portion, it was determined that a certain number of trees and shrubs had to be planted. The quantity depended upon the size of the lot, but did not clearly outline where they needed to be installed on the lot.
In attempts to simplify and clarify that portion of the code, the HOA Board has determined that a minimum of 2 trees and 3 shrubs need to be planted in the front yard with the rest of the minimum requirement for the lot size to be fulfilled in the back or side yards.
This minimum quantity is required by the CC&Rs and Master Design Guidelines, however you are allowed and encouraged to plant more than the minimum requirement.
Click here to view the list of restricted trees.
Fences, Driveways, and Sheds (and other structures)
Decks, Solar Panels, and House Exteriors
However, if you wish to change the color or overall appearance of your shutters, garage door, and/or house color, etc., you will need to submit a Variance Request to the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). The Variance Request form can be found at the bottom of this page.
Common Areas
Payments & Management
The best way to contact someone from the HOA or the management company is through the community website at Help.VillagesHOA.org. Once you’ve logged in, navigate to the “Action Items” page to create a post outlining your question.
Our management team is most effective when all requests come through the website because this allows us, the HOA, to provide oversight and ensure accountability from ACS. Emails are inefficient and difficult to track. With the Action Item system everything is time/date stamped, followed up on, and more importantly these are visible to our entire management team which allows for the most effective level of collaboration and communication by all.
Once you have been approved as a homeowner, you will have access to the community’s official records which are located under Documents/Homeowner Documents.
**Please note that if you only recently registered for a homeowner account, it could take up to 2 business days to verify that you are a homeowner before gaining access to this section.
Generally speaking, a fine schedule is a policy put in place by the HOA that helps with enforcement of the community’s governing documents. If someone is in violation of the governing documents, they will typically receive a warning notice with a request to remedy the issue. If the problem persists, further notices will accompany fines in accordance with the fine structure (which is outlined below).
These fines will be added to the violators HOA account and will show up on their monthly statements.
- 1st notice – Warning; no fine.
- 2nd notice – Level 1 fine $10.
- 3rd notice – Level 2 fine $50.
- Any and all subsequent notices will accompany additional $50 fines until the issue is resolved (with a maximum of $500 per month)
If a lot is more than 5 months delinquent, the collections process is initiated with a final notice requesting payment. If the account remains delinquent, it is then forwarded to a collection attorney, a lien is filed on the title of the home and significant attorney’s fees are added to the delinquent balance. If the account remains delinquent and no action is taken to pay off the balance owed, the next steps include a lawsuit, garnishment of wages, or even foreclosure.
These steps are not fun for anyone involved, and the HOA would prefer not to send anyone to collections. However, the HOA dues are an obligation of each owner within the HOA and we have a duty to collect on this obligation. In order for the process to be fair it must be followed consistently.
That said, we are not unreasonable people. If you have extenuating circumstances, please reach out to us so we can work together toward a resolution.
There are five options for paying your monthly HOA dues:
By Mail
No Processing Fees + PostageBy Mail
Send check payments to:
Villages at Saratoga Springs HOA
P.O. Box 179
Lehi, UT 84043
Bill Pay
No Processing Fees (depending on your bank)Bill Pay
Setup Bill Pay through your personal bank to make a one-time or automatic recurring payments. NOTE: Make sure it includes “Villages at Saratoga Springs HOA” on the payment along with your account number. Contact your personal banking institution for details.
Pay Online
3.5% Debit/Credit Card or $2.95 eCheck Processing Fee per TransactionPay Online
Login to the HOA’s Online Portal to make a one-time or recurring eCheck or Credit Card payments online. There is a 3.5% Debit/Credit Card (equals $1.12 on a $32 payment) or $2.95 eCheck processing fee per transaction. This is a great option if in a pinch and want to avoid a late fee.
Direct Deposit ACH
No Processing FeesDirect Deposit ACH
Setup a direct deposit to the HOA’s Bank Account by 1) filling out the ACH Form and then 2) send it to the management company by logging into the Online Portal and send an Action Item with the attached ACH form AND voided check, or email them to villages@acs-hoa.com or via mail or drop them by the office.STEP 1: Download ACH Form
STEP 2: Member Login
OPTION #5: You may hand deliver your payment in the form of a check to our Advanced Community Service (ACS) office at 2940 W Maple Loop Dr #102, Lehi, UT 84043. Our office hours are 9am-5pm Monday through Friday.
Note: We DO NOT accept cash, credit or debit card payment in person OR over the phone. If you must pay with card, please pay online.
From November – April, monthly inspections includes only trailers and boats/RVs.
Inspections are done at various times of the month depending on the management company’s schedule, holidays, etc.
The most common policies that we normally see broken are:
1) trailers must be parked behind the front corner of the home AND must be screened by a fence so it is not visible from the street, and
2) unkempt yards (this could be overgrown grass, excessive weeds, or dead lawns).
The overall goal with enforcement is to keep the appearance of the community well maintained which helps maintain high property values and increases saleability.
Please follow the instructions contained in the notice and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact the management company.
If the homeowner’s property does not allow for adequate parking of the RV, boat, and/or trailer on the side of the house due to not having enough space, it will be the homeowner’s responsibility to find a different location for parking. Due to these circumstances, the homeowner will not be allowed to park the RV, boat, and/or trailer on their driveway or street.
Please make sure to keep these items stored in your garage or screened behind a fence.
HOA Board
The main part of the public/general HOA meeting is open to anyone to come participate in the discussions of HOA business and decisions. However, at the end of the meeting, the HOA Board may elect to enter into a closed session (or executive session) of the meeting where it is closed to the public due to its sensitive nature. The Utah State Open Meetings Act requires that Board members are only allowed to discuss the following topics in a closed session: Pending or reasonably imminent litigation; security; the character, professional competence, or the physical or mental health of an individual or 3rd party company. Outside of those issues, all other discussions will take place during the open public meetings.
Click here for more details.
Currently the City of Saratoga Springs prohibits residents from irrigating their yards during 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., however this restriction is for residents only unless they are establishing new grass or performing maintenance on their system (see Saratoga Springs Website for more details). Other non-residential organizations can request the ability to water during these restricted times due to necessity, if the city approves it.
With sprinkler systems designed to have only a certain number of heads per zone (for optimal water pressure) and due to the shear size and quantities of open space throughout the HOA, it is not possible for the HOA to complete all their watering cycles during the night. Also large open areas require more watering than small residential yards. Due to the number of zones within our HOA, we have been given permission by the City of Saratoga Springs to cycle through all of our watering zones in the order the landscaper best sees fit, regardless of time of day.
It takes about 24-hours to complete one cycle of all the zones throughout the entire HOA. Some areas are watered twice within the same day which may seem like they are on all day, but if you do see the same sprinklers on for over an hour or any other issues, please contact the HOA so that the landscaper can come out to fix it.
To read the history and see renderings of the trees in the master park, Click Here to Read More >>